Ark & Pit Grand Huit EP

EP / 00:20
12” / Digital

Release Date : February, 24th 2023

P&C Logistic Records, 2023

Grand Huit


Grand huit – Is packed with a room of distinct players. One can almost hear that rare and supreme moment of collaboration unfurling. Ark & Pit lay out the perfect bump for Nicholas Baby’s bass to hold this thing together with vice grips, while Shaman’s guitar floats on this lake like a skipping rock… Our man, and legend, Kool Keith spills his out otherworldly poetry in abundance, joining Keith in the chorus is the delightful Juan Rozoff who helps turn the burner on the stove to 10. Xanax (Xavier Vindard) rolls out the crescendo in top form with his sly rhymes and robust delivery making this cut almost too good to be delivered so quickly in the game.

Text by Bruno Pronsato


A1 Written and produced by Pierre Deniel (Pit Spector) and Guillaume Berroyer (Ark) - Vocals and lyrics by Kool Keith, Juan Rozoff and Xavier - Guitar by The Light Fool - Bass by Niktus / B1 remix and additional production by Dave Aju in the Window Seat, LA / B2 remix and additional production by The Mole - Drums and Mogg bass by Ted Pilsner - Recording Engineer by Daniel Meens

P&C Logistic Records, 2023 / Published by Playfood Event / All rights reserved / Log81 / / Artwork by Gystere / Graphic design by Fanny Muller

About the work


About the artists

Ark & Pit

Ark & Pit are brothers. They are both singularly recognized as leaders in a genre that they both inhabit. Separately, their accomplishments read as a supreme list of gloried achievements, boundless media accolades and superstar collaborations outside of this perfect union.

Each have graced the many clubs we have come to recognize as fostering forward thinking sound: Rex Club, Tesor, Panorama Bar, Club Der Visionäre, to name a few.

Ark, the older of the duo, has worked with the likes of Pepe Bradock & Matthew Herbert and released more than a handful of records on Europe's staple of avant-garde dance music, Perlon.

While the younger brother, Pit, cut his teeth on labels like Circus Company, and Minibar. Working his way up the dance music ladder, Pit paired with Antislash, where he and his comrades formed Studio 52…

Unsurprisingly, the inevitable paths of Ark & Pit slowly converged in 2013. They released a series of EPs on esteemed labels across Europe. What we have now is the fully matured pairing of the duo – that brotherly connection that is magical and undescribable, spoken into a grander and more elevated form of music that has evolved over time with love of one another and the love of music.

Dave Aju

Based in San Francisco, coming from a family of a jazz musicians, Marc had some formal training and played drums for five years and piano for three years, also trying out a few other instruments. His biggest inspiration came through a brother, though, who introduced him to mixing and beatmatching, and Marc finally saw a sampler as a superior artistic tool combining all sounds and providing a creative freedom not available with a full commitment to one particular instrument.

Largely influenced by hip-hop, he often mentioned such artists as Pete Rock, KRS-One, and The Pharcyde, alongside with anyone from Cajmere to Moodymann amongst his influences.

He released his first full-length album "Open Wide" (2008) on French label Circus Company, which has been releasing most of his records since the debut "The Unorthodoctor EP" (2003). Every single sound on the album originates from his mouth; no other sources were used. It became a huge success, highly praised by critics and nominated for the prestigious Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik.

The Mole

The Mole, aka Colin de la Plante, has released four solo albums, 43 singles & EPs, and over 70 remixes. He has also released numerous albums and singles in collaboration with others. His music is marked by a sound he calls - mole - which has been described as hypnotic, loopy and sometimes psychedelic. He lives on Vancouver Island with his wife, two daughters, and a small dog. He can be heard tuesdays on the local fm 101.9 CFUV.

About the featuring artists

Kool Keith


Keith Matthew Thornton (born 7 October 1963), better known by his stage name Kool Keith, is an American rapper from The Bronx, New York. He is known for his surreal, abstract and often profane or nonsensical lyrics. Kool Keith has recorded prolifically both as a solo artist and in group collaborations.

Kool Keith began his career as a cofounding member of Ultramagnetic MC's, whose debut Critical Beatdown was released in 1988. After two more albums with the group, Funk Your Head Up and The Four Horsemen, Kool Keith released his critically acclaimed solo debut album, Dr. Octagonecologyst, under the name Dr. Octagon in 1996. He subsequently released a series of further independent hip hop albums, including Sex Styles and First Come, First Served. 

After releasing one album on a major label (Black Elvis/Lost in Space), Kool Keith returned to independently releasing music, producing further albums as a solo artist and in collaboration with groups such as Analog Brothers, Masters of Illusion and Thee Undatakerz.

Juan Rozoff


Né à Paris en 19662, Juan Rozoff est le fils d'un ingénieur-aventurier russe et d'une comédienne-poétesse espagnole, Tachia Quintanar. Les médias le surnomment très vite le « Prince français », ce qu'il accepte facilement, en ajoutant avec malice « Je préfère être le Prince français que le Guy Béart espagnol ». Il fut le pionnier dans les années 1990 de la « nouvelle scène groove parisienne », ouvrant ainsi la voie aux FFF, Sinclair, Vercoquin, Malka Family. Il est d'ailleurs toujours considéré, en particulier par le magazine Funk-U Mag3, comme l'un des principaux artistes de funk en France. Multi-instrumentiste et showman hors pair, ses concerts en France et à l'étranger emportent depuis plus de vingt ans l'enthousiasme du public. Son talent convoque également l'admiration de ses pairs. Juan Rozoff a ainsi vu des artistes de renommée internationale tels que Bootsy Collins, Maceo Parker et Fred Wesley lui offrir leur collaboration. Il a aussi fait la première partie de géants comme James Brown, Larry Graham, George Clinton, Temptations, Maceo Parker.



D’abord, c’est le MC De Luxe de Svinkels, celui qui tire la gueule mais amène le groove, celui sans qui le Svink ne serait qu’un groupe de rap de blancs presque comme les autres. Mais Mr Xavier, c’est plus que ça, et ceux qui sous-estiment son job feraient bien de se pencher sur le CV de l’artiste. Prenons un peu de temps, ça vaut le coup.
Il entame sa carrière à la fin des années 80 et fait ses armes dans le proto-groupe de la fusion française THC. Ce nom ne vous dit sûrement rien pourtant on y retrouve Marlon (réalisateur des albums de M et Brigitte), Shalom (DJ de M entre autres) et Ark (figure de l’electro underground parisien). Il n’est alors pas encore majeur mais assure déjà les premières parties de FFF ! Il formera aussi avec Fred Lansac, premier DJ des Svink, le duo Les Professionnels et s’en suivra un album méconnu mais incroyable d’énergie et d’innovation, ceux qui l’ont entendu confirmeront. Et il finira par intégrer l’écurie Palace, du MC qui monte A2H, ils sortiront ensemble le mini album Tel Père Tel Fils.



Nicolas Baby prend d'abord des cours de comédie avec Patrice Chéreau au Théâtre Nanterre-Amandiers. Egalement bassiste, connu sous le nom de Niktus dans le groupe de punk hardcore Cosmic Wurst, il crée avec le chanteur Marco Prince le groupe FFF (Fédération française de fonck) en 1987. Remarqué en 1990 aux Transmusicales de Rennes, FFF sort un an plus tard son premier album Blast Culture. Ils enchaînent ensuite des tournées à travers l'Europe, l'Amérique et l'Asie, signent d'autres albums en 1993, 1996, 2000, et remportent les Victoires de la musique du meilleur concert en 1997. Il marque les esprits par une présence scénique digne d'un guitar hero, un style de jeu non conventionnel. Depuis les débuts de FFF, il joue sur les basses Vigier. Parallèlement à ses activités au sein de FFF, Nicolas Baby signe les musiques de divers événements théâtraux, courts métrages puis longs métrages. Il travaille notamment avec Nicolas Boukhrief avec lequel il a signé la musique de ses 4 derniers films. En 2010, il produit le groupe de Metal Melodique Progressif "Nameless".

Manu Ferraz


Manu Ferraz, singer-songwriter, trombone player and percussionist. As an eclectic musician, he has experienced a very large range of musical styles that he has always enjoyed mixing together. In the same way, he would very soon adopt a multidisciplinary approach. Since 2002 and for nearly ten years, he has sailed on Darko Rundek’s Cargo Orkestar, combining European tours and albums in worldwide distribution, released by the Berliner music label Piranha. Sprazzo would sign his first steps on the Parisian electronic scene, where he would be immediately selected for the Inouis du Printemps de Bourges. His encounter with Toure Kunda opened the writing of the Afro chapter. His wandering in the electronic spheres would led to his collaborating with Pit Spector, along tracks such as Sympatico, released by Logistics Records. Their connivance would go thriving in BlackMix, next to Seyba Sissoko, for a trip between Mandingo Blues and house music. The colorful universe of Manu Ferraz can now also be enjoyed in his solo live-looping project.

About the visual artist

Gystere aka Adrien Peskine & Anthony Peskine


Adrien Gystere Peskine est né en 1980, Anthony Peskine en 1982. Ce sont deux réalisateurs de science-fiction d’origine afrobrésilienne.

Leur style est reconnaissable de par l’utilisation d’incrustation sur fond-vert, maquettes, collages, stop motion, costumes, effets spéciaux, artisanat, le tout home-made.

Ils ont grandi a Issy-Les-Moulineaux en Île-de-France.

Anthony est plasticien, saxophoniste, photographe.

Gystere est chanteur, keytariste, compositeur et dessinateur de BD.